This double amplifier of distribution allows to multiply the digital outputs of two devices, while preserving, for each ouput some specifications corresponding to those described in the international standard AES-3 (IEC 958).

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The EXT 110 is transparent compared passed on(transmitted) digital data and it accepts in input all the professional standard digital audio sizes and the semi-professional (AES / EBU, / PDIF, IEC 958). L’EXT 110 is dedicated to the distribution of digital audio signals in the completely digital systems (recording studios, audio and video production, broadcasting).

Its D/A 24 BIT / 96 KHZ converter allows a control of the analog sound in the middle of a completely digital chain. This function is very practical for the maintenance of an installation. Indeed, a technician will be able to isolate then very quickly a failing element.

4.00 Kg
1U – 19″
483 x 44 x 230 mm